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Payroll Processing Specialists: A Small Business’ Best Friend

Small businesses face many unique payroll problems that frequently fall on already overworked H.R. departments or leave payroll administrators to fend for themselves in a big world of tax codes, regulations and stiff penalties for missed deadlines. The IRS doesn’t mess around when it comes to your company’s payroll or tax services. Fortunately, Padgett Payroll Services® utilizes experts with years of experience to take the stress of payroll services out of your hands, allowing your employees to focus on what matters most: your customers. So, why is a Padgett payroll processing specialist your company’s best resource? The answers might surprise you.

Avoid tax issues. Overdue payroll taxes can have serious consequences up to and including the loss of your entire business. The IRS keeps a close watch on small business owners because they are frequently the largest source of uncollected taxes, and thus, the largest source of potential revenue for the government. The IRS has nothing to lose by auditing your business and claiming their lost profits, so it’s best to do things properly the first time – or else.

Expertise. Padgett Payroll Services® employs only the most knowledgeable tax experts. Payroll processing is stressful for all involved, especially when changing codes and increasing legal penalties are taken into consideration. Keeping up with the latest changes can become a job within itself – one your busy employees simply do not have time to handle. Small errors in accounting caused by inexperience can cost companies much more than the original cost of hiring a professional company to handle payroll and tax services. Let your employees focus on providing excellent customer care and service. We’ll handle the rest.

Accuracy. Not a single penny slips by the IRS and, similarly, our financial management ensures every last fraction and decimal are calculated for accurate payroll and tax payouts. Our specialists understand your business isn’t just about revenue generation: it’s personal. The IRS feels the same way. The government is capable of coming after individual business owners to collect outstanding debt. Padgett Payroll Services® provides accurate payroll processing, keeping your business up to date with the latest tax codes so you can focus on achieving your personal career goals without legal interference.

Damage control. Has your small business payroll already found itself floundering in a sea of never-ending codes and changing regulations? Our payroll processing specialists are here for you in times of need. We work with you and your team to develop comprehensive plans and services tailored to suit your corporate structure so every department, employee and new hire is accounted for. If problems currently exist within your infrastructure, our professionals will identify solutions and implement measures to correct the problem so your business can move forward unhindered by lawsuits.

Don’t gamble with the future of your small business. Tiny calculations make a big difference in the world of finance and without the most cutting-edge technology and training, it is easy to make costly mistakes. Errors create significant problems for businesses and can even mean future audits or additional fines placed on your business. Bring order to tax season with the help of Padgett Payroll Service’s® tax professionals. Complete our contact form today to discuss small business payroll solutions today. Tax season has never been so easy!

We encourage you to contact us with any questions.

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