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Maintaining a Positive Work Culture

Creating and maintaining a positive work culture is one of the most crucial tasks for any company, especially a small business. A positive working environment will lead to increased productivity, higher morale for workers and help businesses retain their skilled employees. Staff members will also feel more involved with a company when they feel upbeat, optimistic and encouraged.

Negative workplace attitudes can have a severely detrimental impact on employees, especially if it involves management. And since good morale should start at the top of the company, small business owners always need to show the desired positive culture that they are trying to implement. Does your business have a clear mission that benefits the staff? Employees want to feel that what they do within the workplace matters. Having a strong mission statement and high-quality products that employees believe in will lay the foundation for a positive work culture.

A potential employee with a positive attitude is an essential attribute to look for when you are hiring. During the interview process, a great way to tell how someone would react in a stressful situation is to ask how they would handle conflicts or how they have handled a disagreement in the past.

Negative employee behavior has a way of upsetting the work culture if not swiftly taken care of. If a negative person is hired (or already on staff), it is vital to speak with them and make sure that they are aware that such negative behavior will not be tolerated, especially due to the way it can pervade and influence others.

Honest communication can go a long way. Creating an open-door policy will make employees feel that the owner or manager is accessible and not as distant and out-of-touch, as well as making them feel that their opinion matters. Openly engaging with employees and listening to what they have to say will not only make the employee feel like the owner cares, but it will also build confidence within the employee and help them to maintain a longer relationship at the company in the future.

Let your employees know that they are appreciated. Having reward systems that let them know that a job was well done can go a long way to boost morale. Furthermore, instituting a system that addresses problems that could potentially affect productivity, such as substance abuse or depression, will help develop relationships and improve the employees’ overall quality of life.

At PADGETT BUSINESS SERVICES®, we work hard to promote a positive work culture within a small business setting. We know that a happy employee means a contented workforce, which results in higher productivity. 

We encourage you to contact us with any questions.

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